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The Curse of Eating School Fees and the Price of Misplaced Priorities: Kidega's Tragic Downfall

On 11 February 2024, the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) released the 2024 Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results under the competency-based curriculum, sparking a wave of reactions across the country. The new system emphasizes skills, values, and real-life applications of knowledge, aiming to foster competencies like critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and communication. While this curriculum represents a shift from the old focus on rote memorization and theoretical knowledge, it left many reflecting on the past educational journey. On the eve of the results release, I spoke with an old friend whose younger brother, I assumed, had sat for the 2024 UCE exams. When I asked about his performance, I learned that the young man hadn't been in school for two years. My friend had been paying his fees, but two years ago, his brother had squandered his school fees on a reckless lifestyle, leading my friend to cut financial support. Now, the boy lived in the vill...
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The Day My Bully Met My Mom: A Lesson in Standing Up

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Managing Staff in Conflict Zones and the Hidden Price of Doing the Right Thing; Upholding Accountability.

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Surviving the Rules of the Gun: Lessons on Power and Resilience from South Sudan

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Turning the Tide: A Young Manager's Journey to Revitalize an Underperforming Project in South Sudan

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Snakes in the Grass: Tales from South Sudan

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