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Showing posts from January, 2025

Surviving the Rules of the Gun: Lessons on Power and Resilience from South Sudan

Working in South Sudan taught me lessons about power, authority, and survival that I'll never forget. Some moments were uncomfortable, others eye-opening, but all were crucial in helping me understand working in the context of conflict.   Growing up in Uganda in the 1990s, my view of soldiers was shaped by fear. Soldiers were figures of authority who couldn't be questioned. I remember the violence of the National Resistance Army (NRA) and later the Uganda People's Defense Forces (UPDF) in northern Uganda. They were often brutal and showed little regard for civilians' rights.   This fear of soldiers stayed with me as I got older. In 2015, I took a Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) course in South Africa, where the trainer made one thing very clear: "The man or woman with a gun makes the rules." The message was simple: when dealing with soldiers, you obey.   When I arrived in South Sudan in 2015, I found myself in a situation that would challenge eve...

Turning the Tide: A Young Manager's Journey to Revitalize an Underperforming Project in South Sudan

When I landed in Kuajok, Warrap State, South Sudan, in March 2015, I had no idea what awaited me. The project I was stepping into, funded by the World Bank, was meant to improve local governance and service delivery. However, instead of having a project ready to launch, I faced many problems. It was months behind schedule, underperforming, and the team I was inheriting seemed just as lost as the project itself.   As a young manager with little field experience in a place like South Sudan, the pressure was intense. To make matters worse, I had no laptop, proper induction, and little information on the work so far. The first quarterly report was fast approaching, and there was nothing to report. The task seemed insurmountable, and I felt the weight of everyone's expectations resting on my shoulders. But panic wasn't an option. I knew I had to find a way to turn things around.   I drew on lessons from my previous job with the Norwegian Refugee Council, where I worked unde...

Snakes in the Grass: Tales from South Sudan

People always say humanitarian work is full of sacrifices. But let me tell you, you don't get what that means until you're out in the field, deep in a place like South Sudan. I spent over five years working in South Sudan with three different organizations and trust me, it's a place where challenges are as constant as the dust in the air. I've seen everything from navigating political tensions with the government to figuring out how to motivate a team under extreme stress. But none of the challenges were as disturbing as the ones I encountered with snakes.   Now, South Sudan is infamous for being a snake country. Every time you step outside, you must keep your eyes on the ground—especially in Upper Nile, Warrap, Jonglei, and Pibor Administrative areas where I worked. Snakes were everywhere. In the bushes, the compounds, and sometimes even inside your room. I'm not talking about some harmless little garden snakes but the big, venomous ones. Imagine walking barefoot i...